Dear all,
You better believe it, the day you all have been waiting for has finally arrived. The Lunar team proudly announce the final release of Lunar Linux 1.7.0 codename ‘Sinus Successus’.
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes Lunar Linux is back with a vengeance; a lot of overhauling have been done all over the [...]
Dear all,
Some might have believed we were down for the count, but on the contrary we have actually been quite busy working on the core of Lunar (and with our lives). Four very long years has passed by since our last release. Yet there have been a few adventurous souls still brave enough to [...]
Dear users,
The Lunar team proudly announce the final release of Lunar Linux 1.6.5 codename ‘Mare Ingenii’!
The last known issues with the ISO have been resolved. We added support for hybrid ISO in the last minute, which mean it’s a lot more easy to install lunar from an usb-stick from now on. The developers [...]
Dear users,
The Lunar team proudly announce the final release of Lunar Linux 1.6.4 codename ‘Lacus Autumni’!
After almost two years since the last stable release it’s finally here, Lunar Linux 1.6.4. We’ve reached a new milestone, 1.6.4 is our most
polished release to date. Our hope is that everyone will enjoy it as [...]
We’re happy to announce the first beta release of a new series of lunar-linux
installer ISO’s. Our new ISO’s will be as easy to install as 1.6.1, but pack an extra punch: This series of ISO’s preinstalls a basic Xfce4-4.4.1 desktop with XOrg-7.2, together with firefox, Thunderbird, pidgin, audacious, gimp and a few [...]
With great pleasure we release “Moose Drool”, also known as the Lunar-Linux 1.6.1 Installer ISO in to the public.
This ISO is partially a refreshed installer for i686, but it is also our first stable ISO for x86_64. The x86_64 installer ISO thus marks the true final entry for Lunar Linux as a multi-arch [...]
With great pleasure we release “Indium Antimonide”, also known as
the Lunar-Linux 1.6.0-i686 Installer ISO in to the public. After
over half a year of work on our first 2.6.x kernel based ISO series,
it is finally ready, and ready it is!
This is a major step forward from the 1.5.x [...]
Dear all!
after 3 weeks of heavy QC, a new lunar installation ISO, named
1.5.1 – “Gallium Arsenide” is released. This is the first release ever where
two different lunar ISO’s are released simultaneously. Once for i686 and one for older (up to i386) machines
Welcome to the official Lunar Linux website! Lunar is a source-based distribution for 32 and 64bit Intel or AMD systems with simple, yet powerful package management and system administration tools. If you want a flexible system built from source that is easy to install and maintain, you should try Lunar!Screenshots
Recent Comments
- Marcus on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- oui on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Unni on Lunar Linux 1.7.0-rc2 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Service transition
- Anonymous on Service transition
- Demetri Salamander on About me
- engelsman on Handling renamed modules - An idea
- wdp on Handling renamed modules - An idea
- Striker on Wiki Updated
Updated Modules
- ZopeInterface: don't built pth files
- gdal: Adjusting BUILD need --root=/ for the python3 install else lunar fix Python kicks off
- mpg123: version bumped to 1.21.0.
- nfs-utils: version bumped to 1.3.1.
- lxsession: version bumped to 0.5.0.
- zsh: version bumped to 5.0.7.
- mercurial: version bumped to 3.1.2.
- Python-3: version bumped to 3.4.2.
- sudo: version bumped to 1.8.11p1.
- lunar, theedge: version 16