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"Installation ISO"
We have received many questions as of late if the Lunar Linux project is still alive; the short answer to that is YES! Of course we can’t deny the fact that we are a little short on manpower right now, but packages are getting updated pretty much every day. If you want to track the [...]
Dear all,
You better believe it, the day you all have been waiting for has finally arrived. The Lunar team proudly announce the final release of Lunar Linux 1.7.0 codename ‘Sinus Successus’.
Like the phoenix rising from the ashes Lunar Linux is back with a vengeance; a lot of overhauling have been done all over the [...]
Lunar Mirrors
Welcome to the official Lunar Linux website! Lunar is a source-based distribution for 32 and 64bit Intel or AMD systems with simple, yet powerful package management and system administration tools. If you want a flexible system built from source that is easy to install and maintain, you should try Lunar!Screenshots
Recent Comments
- pasterke on Hello world!
- Ratler on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- agentsmith on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Steven Vanden Branden on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Alex Neocrust on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Delvenaar on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- oui on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Unni on Lunar Linux 1.7.0-rc2 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Service transition