Note: This guide only applies to 1.6.2 or lower.
Since our ISO is pretty outdated right now (work has begun on a new release, yet, there is no release date in sight. Its going to be ready ‘when its done’ ™) it does require a special kind of way to install it properly. This guide [...]
udev has been updated in moonbase yesterday. Its been tested extensively, features a new rules patchset that is ment to provide a wider range of compatibility and effectiveness considering the hotplug and coldplug stages of every Lunar installation.
Right now we don’t expect any error to turn up but of course we are just human [...]
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Welcome to the official Lunar Linux website! Lunar is a source-based distribution for 32 and 64bit Intel or AMD systems with simple, yet powerful package management and system administration tools. If you want a flexible system built from source that is easy to install and maintain, you should try Lunar!Screenshots
Recent Comments
- Marcus on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- oui on Lunar Linux 1.7.0 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Unni on Lunar Linux 1.7.0-rc2 (i686 & x86_64) ISO’s released
- Ratler on Service transition
- Anonymous on Service transition
- Demetri Salamander on About me
- engelsman on Handling renamed modules - An idea
- wdp on Handling renamed modules - An idea
- Striker on Wiki Updated
Updated Modules
- ZopeInterface: don't built pth files
- gdal: Adjusting BUILD need --root=/ for the python3 install else lunar fix Python kicks off
- mpg123: version bumped to 1.21.0.
- nfs-utils: version bumped to 1.3.1.
- lxsession: version bumped to 0.5.0.
- zsh: version bumped to 5.0.7.
- mercurial: version bumped to 3.1.2.
- Python-3: version bumped to 3.4.2.
- sudo: version bumped to 1.8.11p1.
- lunar, theedge: version 16